Book Review
Friday, August 28, 2020
Personal Reflection Paper on The Self Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Individual Reflection Paper on The Self - Essay Example My self-idea gets from an entire host of such factors, not the least of which is others' opinion of me. I have consistently had an incredible enthusiasm for music and I have a generally excellent performing voice, which has made me well known with my companions: so I consider music and the ability of rendering it is a vital piece of my self. The consciousness of my sexual orientation has driven me to perceive what ladies the world over experience as far as more noteworthy battles for opportunity and rights. My self-idea in this manner folds over my way of life as a lady as somebody who needs to battle with the regular real factors of being a lady, and furthermore includes an acknowledgment of the way that I have a normal appearance. Add to that my way of life as an African-American, and the image is finished in a social setting. Individuals around me consider me to be a typical, composed, normal looking African-American lady and furthermore as an understudy who sings well, thus it turns into a significant meaning of my self-idea in the social setting. My idea of self adds to my confidence, my concept of what I am worth, of what I am equipped for adding to the general public, and the regard of decisions and rights that I believe I merit. My singing capacities and my achievements as an understudy give a lift to my confidence, since they bring me acknowledgment and praise in my locale, particularly in my congregation where I lead the ensemble. My confidence lets me perform well and gives me the certainty to move about in a social setting, agreeable in the information that I am affable and welcome. I feel that my achievements more than compensate for my absence of physical engaging quality, and it doesn't fundamentally bring down my feeling of confidence. My confidence persuades that I can settle on educated decisions about my own life, and to be sure reserve all privileges to do as such. In the social field, my confidence encourages me perform at an elevated level of self-viability. In light of my idea of self and confidence, I am ready to frame a gauge of how compelling I am as an individual. There is no faltering in endeavoring another test, in light of the fact that my feeling of self-viability reveals to me that I am more than liable to succeed. In my perspective, my feeling of self-adequacy increments if the difficulties have a place with my customary ranges of familiarity, to be specific singing or scholastics, since it is very much acknowledged by people around me and myself that these are the zones I am effectively ready to exceed expectations in. This is the motivation behind why I am happy with participating in network occasions which include singing. One of my soonest and most critical recollections is of being sent in front of an audience by my mom to sing a little psalm at a congregation occasion. After my singing finished, there was uproarious and proceeded with praise, and I could see the grins of endorsement on the essences of the considerable number of individuals in the crowd which incorporated my folks, family members, companions and neighbors. This gave my feeling of confidence a significant lift, and at whatever point I currently feel anxious about going in front of an audience, I review that second in my youth when I previously heard the commendation of the individuals around me. It gives me a sentiment of ascend in self-assurance, and my idea of self-adequacy is reestablished: I don't feel apprehensive or panicky any more and am ready to jump on the stage and
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Strategies Of The Sangguniang Bayan Members Of Pakil Politics Essay
Procedures Of The Sangguniang Bayan Members Of Pakil Politics Essay The procedures of chose authorities at the metropolitan level in achieving great administration. The methodologies of the Sangguniang Bayan individuals from Pakil, Laguna in achieving great administration. Throughout the entire existence of our administration, we can be sure that over centralization is one of its most predominant attributes. Indeed, even before the Spanish time up to the American time frame, centralization is a set up some portion of our organization and administration, along with hierarchal differentiation which is one of our standard practices which is a piece of the social qualities engraved in our way of life and convention. On the other hand, we can likewise be sure that nearby self-rule is extremely old crucial piece of our legislature. The barangay or barrio arrangement of administering remained, which was later converged with the remote arrangement of government, despite the fact that this was not altogether learned and acknowledged by the individuals. In thi s manner, various laws were figured and sanctioned to indigenize techniques for administering alongside the target of advancing decentralization of the national government. This decentralization has become a significant pattern to address the publics confident response to the inertness and incapability of the administration in offering essential open types of assistance. The Local Government Code (LGC) of 1991 was sanctioned after the arrangement in the Article X of the 1987 Constitution which announces that, the State will guarantee the self-sufficiency of neighborhood governments (Brillantes, 2003). The key highlights of the LGC were introduced by Tom S. Villarin in a presentation on the book BEYOND GOOD GOVERNANCE Participatory Democracy in the Philippines (Estrella Iszatt, 2004): award more powers, assets, authority and duty to Local Government Units (LGUs) to empower them to work with restricted national help; change LGUs into nearby arranging units for advancement and creative administration; regulate individuals power in neighborhood administration; advance the interface and joint effort of Peoples Organizations (Pos), Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), and the private area with LGUs through continued associations; advance endeavors and endeavors among LGUs and POs-NGOs/private division; and give measures to upgrade monetary automy of LGUs. Moreover, LGUs assumes a key job in realizing great as well as better administration to the individuals. This better execution is vital in light of the fact that these days, chose authorities in their separate LGUs are the ones who are dependable in giving answers for the better usage of wellbeing, vocation, horticultural strategies, and so forth. Thus, imaginative techniques for the turn of events and progress of a specific area/city/region/barangay ought to be kept up and instituted by chose authorities who are skilled, responsible, and straightforward along with the engaged residents that are effectively taking part in the usage of these methodologies. Planning may hint intensity, a property that talks about endeavoring to capitalize on given conditions, and is a characteristic which is infrequently found in the neighborhood government (Sajo, Santiago Joaquin, 1998). In any case, these days, planning for the advancement of the network has become a pattern in LGUs. This procedure works in the perspective of including each and every individual who is a piece of the dynamic association known as government. Additionally its principle objective is the reformulation of new arrangements of techniques that will apply in LGUs purposes built up on a particular vision and mission, which likewise thinks about the outer and interior states of its condition, and works with the promise to all the partners in the LGUs (Sajo, Santiago Joaquin, 1998). Thusly, this investigation will have the option to analyze or rethink the grassroots of good administration in LGUs which will attempt to expound the administration that the national and neighborhood l evel have been executing. Thus, LGUs as a feature of the expansive political range is as powerful as the national government, and concentrating on this little however imperative piece of the general public can guide us to a solid comprehension of administration with legislative issues. The locus of the methodologies to be remembered for this paper is on the LGUs fundamental and second most various part the region. A run of the mill region offers fundamental types of assistance for its residents. A portion of these fundamental administrations are upkeep of peace, foundation and observing of wellbeing focuses, giving of vocation projects to the residents, or more all, the ability to burden. Regions are additionally ordered as far as pay class which will decide certain guidelines with respect to certain arrangements from the national government like the quantity of councilors it can choose and the assigned measure of honorarium or pay the chosen authorities in the region (Wit, 1967). Additionally, the event of the eclipsing of the Local Chief Executive (LCE) or the city hall leader to the next chosen authorities serving in a region is entirely observable, which is like what's going on in the national government. The LCE dominates the authority of the Sangguniang Bayan (SB) managed by the Vice-Mayor which comprises of the metropolitan councilors, the Association of Barangay Captain (ABC) president, and the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Federation president. In any case, a region can straightforwardly introduce approaches that need renewal, reconsideration, reengineering and most exceedingly terrible, pulverization for the advancement of the whole Philippine state. To delineate further the elements of LGUs and its chosen authorities systems, this paper incorporate some real occasions which is occurring or has occurred in a specific region in Southern Luzon known as Pakil. This can be perfect representation which will be an incredible assistance in following the underlying foundations of administration in the LGUs, and it can likewise uncover some genuine systems that were being utilized by chose authorities. Pakil is a fifth class region which is a piece of the fourth locale of Laguna. The status of being a fifth class district implies that it has a negligible wellspring of salary, with only a suitable land region involved by its little populace. This region is essentially an agribusiness based semi-urban region situated between the Sierra Madre mountain range and Laguna de Bay. Likewise, this district is partitioned into 13 barangays, 6 in Poblacion (Silangan) while the other 6 are a piece of the Barrio (Kanluran), and a little barangay situated at the Sierra Madre mountain go. In addition, a piece of the Laguna de Bay isolates the Barrio into the town legitimate (Poblacion) of Pakil, and that detachment of Pakil among Silangan and Kanluran as a rule brings about debates among the chosen authorities who are a piece of the SB. Coalitions of individuals dwelling in those two better places is available in the SB. These debates are can be established from the democratic conduct of the individuals from the two pieces of the district. Silangan has less populace of voters than Kanluran, and those voters from Kanluran consistently square democratic. This aggregate conduct had been seen as one of the premise of SB individuals in managing issues for the advancement of the two Pakil. Additionally the help from the LCE is a noteworthy factor that can decide the result of the issues that will be address by the SB. Hence, the methodologies of SB individuals for the turn of events and progress of the region have been obviously or unobtrusively influenced by the division o f their inclinations, the democratic conduct of the general population, and weight from more significant position authority. The chosen authorities at the civil level principally center around their obligation and capacity in the coordination and conveyance of essential, ordinary and direct administrations and compelling administration of the occupants inside its regional locale (Sajo, Santiago Joaquin, 1998, p.12). The planning and conveying of fundamental open administrations is as of now a given capacity that should be cultivated by those chosen authorities. Notwithstanding, being a chosen official in a specific zone, an individual isn't only responsible in playing out the obligations credited with his activity, however there is additionally a requirement for a genuine and open relationship with the occupants of that region to legitimately address their issues, issues, and concerns. Likewise a chosen official is required to be acquainted with the regional ward of the district. Each road and sitios along with all the occupants of spot inside its purview must certainly affect the authorities game plan for the general improvement of the region. Anything that the chosen authorities settle on that includes any metropolitan topic will influence the region in general. On account of the district of Pakil, a specific SB part despite the fact that from Silangan, aside from serving and carrying out his responsibility in the city corridor as the official of the day and beside directing advisory group gatherings, likewise make sure that he has an opportunity to visit and arrange with the individuals on the two spots. By having the option to do as such, he would need to go very nearly 10 kilometers to connect with the individuals in Kanluran. In spite of the fact that tedious, through this methodology, that SB part advances an imaginative and direct data gathering technique which is a piece of the participatory majority rules system arrangement of overseeing. By hearing out the necessities, concerns, and recommendations of the individuals, the SB individuals can organize a specific issue they should address. They can conceptualize and make an exceptionally far reaching and explicit answer for the improvement of the circumstance of the individuals. This S B individuals methodology is an extremely powerful and inventive method of including residents in neighborhood administration. Through this sort of data assembling, the chosen official opens another way drawing closer and noting the necessities of the individuals, which can assist them with breaking down a specific issue or emergency and concoct a decent strategy that will prompt the turn of events and progress of the district
Friday, August 21, 2020
An Open Life By Joseph Campbell Essays - Joseph Campbell, Lecturers
An Open Life By Joseph Campbell Essays - Joseph Campbell, Lecturers An Open Life By Joseph Campbell In the novel, An Open Life, by Joseph Campbell, I concur that life resembles a novel and that calamities bring about organizing an incredible part of your life. On the off chance that you truly consider what Mr. Campbell is stating, he is correct. Glancing back at my existence with all the good and bad times I have encountered, made me who I am currently, which is an incredible thing. I had an involvement in a beau which made me find an extraordinary line of work to get as much cash-flow as my Mother. A perusing that causes me to concur with Mr. Campbell quote, was the point at which I read my Mothers diary that she kept from the beginning of my introduction to the world until I was ten. A perception that I got the opportunity to see was from the film Dont be a Menace to Society While Drinking your Juice in the Hood. In this film, Ashtray turns into a man by seeing on how his companions are. I concur with Joseph Campbell, that life resembles a novel. An encounter I had with the other gender made me who I am presently. One night my beau and I concurred that we would go out with certain companions, and head out in our own direction. At the point when he left, I called my companion to check whether she needed to accomplish something. We wound up going out to see the films. During the film I saw that my companion needed to reveal to me something however eased off for some time. At the point when she was unable to hold it any more, she advised me to think back. At the point when I did, I saw my now ex making out with a young lady. I was crushed when I had seen that, I even wound up stopping school for this. I was contemplating this the entire day and neglected to understand that I had a math test the following day. So what I did was that I quit school. My Mom was vexed that I had stopped for such an explanation. It was unimaginable living with my Mom when this had occurred. She didn't care for the way that I quit school and didn't hav e work to exploit. Be that as it may, half a month later, opportunity came ringing on the telephone. My auntie called and disclosed to me that she was searching for a right hand. I went the following day for a meeting and got recruited on the spot. Till this day I am working at Century 21 Su Casa, a land organization, getting nearly as much cash as my mom. Here and there I believe that if this would have never occurred, where might I be or what might I do? In the event that this debacle would have never transpired, at that point my life would be unique in relation to how it is presently. Perusing my Mothers diary causes me to concur with Mr. Campbell. She had kept this diary from my introduction to the world until I was ten years of age. As indicated by my Mom thought now for me was the correct age to take in where I originated from and the fiascos my Mom needed to experience. In this diary she expresses that when I was more youthful my mom left my dad due to his drinking issue. At the point when this happened she needed to guarantee government assistance for around one year. During this year my mother could have recently chosen to remain on government assistance for an incredible remainder, yet she got shrewd, set off for college and got a degree in Business. In the event that my mother would have not gotten shrewd during this period we would have likely despite everything been on government assistance, however because of mother she gave us a superior life. She currently has all that anyone could need cash to help us both. Nothing could be better, we have our own ho me, and each a vehicle. This demonstrates issues whether huge or little structure an incredible part of your life. By watching the film, Dont be a Menace to Society While Drinking your Juice in the Hood, we see that Ashtray by seeing on how his companions improved him to turn into an individual. What I saw from this film was that Ashtrays companions were playing with ladies and not assume liability
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Using Easy Essay Samples
Using Easy Essay SamplesIf you are trying to find easy essay samples, then you have to be ready to find something that can help you. You can find anything on the Internet, so take some time to choose the right essay samples. The first thing you need to consider is the ease of using the document in question. This should be answered with ease of comprehension and for those who are writing their college essays, there are a lot of different styles that you should look for when searching.This style is generally used for individuals who write and those who are especially good at writing articles. Using such essays as sample, you will be able to pick up what works and what does not. You also will be able to have fun because it will be written in a way that you can understand, as well as have fun writing it.If you are looking for easy essay samples that can be readily used by everyone, then you are in luck. You can find them in the form of blog posts, articles, and more. You will be able to get a quick reference of what you can use for your essay if you do some research, and also how easy it is to understand.Another thing you will want to take a look at if you are looking for easy essay samples is an essay from a current college student who has written a very short essay for them to help them with their essay. It is a great way to start and will help you understand what they are trying to say.For those who are really trying to figure out how to use easy essay samples, you will want to think about searching for that right essay that will be very easy to read and easy to use. You will have to consider the level of what the essay will be, which is why you have to think about what is going to be on the test and how you are going to score. The more complex the essay, the more you need to know about it, so you want to make sure you are using the right one.No matter what essay you are going to choose to find easy essay samples, be sure to give some time to look through as man y different styles as you can. This is the best way to help you find the one that will be effective.You should be able to find something that is helpful, simple, and very easy to use in order to help you on your quick article writing. This is a great place to start and can be a great way to help you write well.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Machiavelli as a Humanist - 1886 Words
A humanist is defined as one who is concerned with the interests and welfare of humans. Niccolo’ Machiavelli can be thought of as a humanist. Although opinions on this differ greatly depending on whom you speak with. Machiavelli’s life consists of so many examples and lessons that he has learned throughout his life. Through my paper, I intend to examine his perception of morality based on his political writings and life experiences. Niccolo’ Machiavelli was born on May 3, 1469 and died in 1527. Although we do not know much about his early life, we know that he was educated according to the humanist ideals of the Renaissance. He was trained at an early age by a latin teacher named Paolo da Ronciglione. He spent his youth in the†¦show more content†¦He used the term virtu’ in his book â€Å"The Art of War†which is a dialogue on military affairs. It describes the great ability of a general who is able to adapt to various battlefield conditions as they present themselves. It is said that the most vilified of political thinkers is also the one of whom it has been said that he concentrated all his real and supreme values in what he called virtu’. 6 What he meant by this was that a prince would have to develop a different psychology than what he is used to. The â€Å"new†prince is â€Å"prepared to vary his conduct as the winds of fortune and changing circumstances constrain him and not deviate from the right conduct if possible, but be should be capable of entering upon a path of wrong doing when it becomes necessary†. 7 Some ninety years ago Villari said that Machiavelli always use the word virtue in the sense of courage and energy both for good and evil. To Christian virtue in its more general meaning, he rather applied the term goodness, and felt much less admiration for it than for the pagan virtue that was always fruitful of glory. 2 Although the political life of Niccolo Machiavelli is quite interesting when analyzing his views on government and religion, his personal life and experiences were equally a representation of him as a humanist. He was described by some as never offensive and possessing a genuine understanding of human weakness. Niccolo formed a quiteShow MoreRelatedMachiavelli: The Renaissance’s Anti-Humanist2452 Words  | 10 PagesDonation of Constantine, Niccolà ² Machiavelli projected his ideas of fraudulence into sixteenth century Italian society by suggesting that rulers could only maintain power through propaganda, as seen with the success of Ferdinand of Aragon in Spain circa 1490. Today, the coined term Machiavellian refers to duplicity in either politics or self-advancement. Unlike most philosophers of the sixteenth century, Machiavelli wrote from the perspective of an anti-Humanist; he criticized not only the ClassicsRead More Comparing the Secular Humanist, Machiavelli and th e Religious Humanist, Erasmus3218 Words  | 13 PagesComparing the Secular Humanist, Machiavelli and the Religious Humanist, Erasmus One can often identify a persons political, religious or cultural orientation by his or her reaction to certain words. A case in point is the expression secular humanism. For religious conservatives those words sum up much of what is wrong with contemporary society. Websters Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary gives several definitions for humanism, a word which made its appearance in 1832. The first is a devotionRead MoreComparing Machiavelli And The Prince902 Words  | 4 PagesDave Licause European History Machiavelli and the Prince Machiavelli is one of the greatest and most widely recognized humanist authors. Machiavelli received a classic middle class renaissance humanist education. The Prince most apparent departure from the humanist narrative is the separation of politics and ethics. Machiavelli, in the Prince, creates the first modern political treatise. Machiavelli had an interest to practically deal with the creation of a new government in Florence by the Medici’sRead MoreAnalysis Of The Prince By Niccolo Machiavelli1192 Words  | 5 Pagesthere was a strive to modernize the world into human outlook which focused on the ability of humans to act and not blindly follow a religious plan. Humanists believed God had given humanity options and potential, and humanist thinkers had to act to succeed and make the most of this: it was a duty to be the best. Niccolo Machiavelli, an Italian Humanist, wrote The Prince as a guide for his own prince, Lorenzo De Medici, to promote himself into the po litical arena of Italy. 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Nearly a century later, another philosopher by the name of Niccolo Machiavelli wrote a book about governing, The Prince. The two documents show many similarities in content and theme. While the two wrote in similar subject matter, it is clear that these philosophers possess distinctly different viewpoints on how a rulerRead MoreSir Thomas More s Utopia And Niccolo Machiavelli s The Prince1454 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"rebirth†was a cultural movement that accompanied the passage of Europe from the Middle Ages to modern times. Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian civic humanist, historian, diplomat, philosopher, politician, and writer during the Renaissance. He applied the values of the Renaissance to his political treatise, The Prince. Sir Thomas was an English lawyer, philosopher, statesman, and humanist during the Renaissance. He employed the ideals of the Renaissance to his Latin dialogue, Utopia. Both The Prince
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Educational Experience With Therapy / Psychology
When one decides to become a counselor, there are several aspects to learn to become a well-rounded therapist. One of those aspects is gaining knowledge of the various theories and central concept of the counseling profession. Additional facets to learn is how to create a therapeutic environment for the client. Furthering on these aspects, we have to learn to interact with clients to be better able to help them in different areas of their life including social and professional. Final features to learn about counseling is how clients view their own life to produce more therapeutic opportunities. Throughout this paper I will discuss these various features of counseling. While we go through our education to become a therapist there are several theories and concepts to learn. At first, I didn’t want to become a counselor when I started college. However as I gained knowledge about the profession I began to develop a love of everything that it is about. In my educational experience with therapy/psychology we have discussed on our views of concepts in counseling. These discussions always have me thinking of my own life and experiences in the field. When it comes to counseling my personal opinion is, I believe that counseling is a noble field to get into for a career. I view therapy as highly effective in assisting individuals through their difficulties. I also consider it to be important for just basic living. Counseling assists us to understand ourselves and it gives variousShow MoreRelatedApplication Essay: Applying for Specialist Program in School Psychology932 Words  | 4 Pageseveryday carrying someone else’s problem on my shoulders, officially making it my problem to fix. I reinforced my madness by telling my self that this phase in my life will pass. The irony of it is that life passed me by as I disappeared in the mist of trying to â€Å"fix†someone else’s problem. Each one of us has our own life challenges that we face every day. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
African and Carribean Dance Essay Example For Students
African and Carribean Dance Essay Within African and Caribbean dance there are many similar stylistic features stemming from various places either being the background from where the dance evolved from or cultural significances. Within the essay there will be discussions about the movement language of the two styles. Cultural significance and the stylistic features of the dance will also be discussed. The two styles of dance from African that will be discussed are Muchongoyo and Kinka. Caribbean will be focussing on the Kumina and Dinkie-Minie. Originating from Congo in West Africa is the traditional ritual, Kumina. According to Carty, Kumina practitioners believe there are three ranks of spirits, this dance calls to the the Ancestral rank. The dance calls on the spirits to fulfil their wishes of good and evil, and is performed at different events including marriages, engagement, births, deaths and for political or social success. Also as stated by Carty it can be used to perform evil tasks such as making someone ill or wishing bad luck on their family. This is possible because the ancestors they call upon were also alive at one point so share their feelings on justice and revenge. (Carty, 1988. Pg 20-21) The ritual commonly begins at sundown and ends at sunrise and different colours are worn for different ceremonies. They dance round a central pole, also dressed in particular colours for the ritual. Within the group of dancers is also a King or Queen dancer who is the leader, this person will normally either be the best dancer in the group or will be the most knowledgable in the rituals and customs. Cary, 1988. Pg 21) The Kumina has two main drums that are used, namely the Kbandu and the Playing Cast. The Kbandu is the male drum which is made from the skin of a ewe, stretched and sprayed with White Rum until the required pitch is acquired. The leading drum is the Playing cast, the female drum which speaks throughout the dance and leads the dancers through their breaks and motions. One of the main movements within the Kumina use footwork and the pelvis. The feet move across the floor in a movement known as Inching. Carty, 1988. Pg 22) The body is grounded with the knees bent and the ribcage rotates. Dinkie-Minie is a dance originating from Jamaica. The ritual that takes place during this dance is called ‘The Set Up and the Ninth-Nights’. The Dinkie-Minie is performed to celebrate the death of someone, it is a ritual where a community will come together and support the persons family whilst helping them to celebrate that their deceased love one has moved to a better place. (Carty, 1988. Pg32) The spirits journey begins on the Ninth Night where it leaves for the better place, however in the days leading up to that, after the sadness at the beginning, the relatives then sing and dance to rejoice about the deceased being in a better place. The drums and instruments used in the Dinkie-Minie are the Katta sticks milk tins, graters and shakes but the instrument necessary for the dance is the Tamboo a drum which is cylindrical. Again like the Kumina the Dinkie-Minie is based on strong pelvic rotations, and knees that almost knock together. Dinkie has a very spiritual side and having a wake of this style is crucial the the african culture within it. With both these dances being rituals they are very similar. They both have an ancestral side whether it be sending the loved ones up to the ancestors or calling upon the ancestors to grant their wishes. One of West Africa’s traditional dance and music forms is the Kinka. The style is of recent origins in the 1940s and gives a youthful inclination of dance throughout the song. .u9fa9a6096c270d4410b9534fd58212ef , .u9fa9a6096c270d4410b9534fd58212ef .postImageUrl , .u9fa9a6096c270d4410b9534fd58212ef .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9fa9a6096c270d4410b9534fd58212ef , .u9fa9a6096c270d4410b9534fd58212ef:hover , .u9fa9a6096c270d4410b9534fd58212ef:visited , .u9fa9a6096c270d4410b9534fd58212ef:active { border:0!important; } .u9fa9a6096c270d4410b9534fd58212ef .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9fa9a6096c270d4410b9534fd58212ef { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9fa9a6096c270d4410b9534fd58212ef:active , .u9fa9a6096c270d4410b9534fd58212ef:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9fa9a6096c270d4410b9534fd58212ef .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9fa9a6096c270d4410b9534fd58212ef .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9fa9a6096c270d4410b9534fd58212ef .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9fa9a6096c270d4410b9534fd58212ef .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9fa9a6096c270d4410b9534fd58212ef:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9fa9a6096c270d4410b9534fd58212ef .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9fa9a6096c270d4410b9534fd58212ef .u9fa9a6096c270d4410b9534fd58212ef-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9fa9a6096c270d4410b9534fd58212ef:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Dance-Christianity EssayThe dance is not so much a spiritual piece like the Dinkie-Minie and the Kumina, it is more of a social and entertaining style. (Gbolonyo, K. 2012) As Gbolonya says â€Å"Short repetitive metaphoric phrases are the norms of this communal entertainment. †This explains about how the piece really follows a structure of repetition as the dancer initiates different movements. The drummer is in direct control of how to piece moves forward as they give the call on the drum so the dancer can change to a different movement, of come back to the original movement to join the rest of the dancers. The drum signals also help dancers keep the time and rhythm as the dance progresses. Gbolonyo also states that the Kinka is used more for a political statement and is well crafted to do so. The Muchongoyo is a dance that originates from Zimbabwe and the Nguni-speaking groups of South Africa. As a dance, Muchongoyo falls into the category of Indlamu, a military drill exercise created to install discipline into the men of the zulu nation and mental prepare them for war. (Asante, KW. 2000 Pg 68 ) The drum which is now used for Muchongoyo is a modern variation on the traditional drums. Women are mainly the musicians in this dance playing the hashes and sing alongside the men, the drum accompany the dance and whistles are used to accent the stomps in the piece. (Welsh, K. 2004 Pg109) Muchongoyo is a powerful dance and produces that much force and energy that the performer really starts to mix and make one with the powerful dance and music. â€Å"A. M Opokuexpressed the idea: dance and music should be so closely connected that ‘one can see the music and hear the dance. †(Sieber. 1986 Pg 234) In the performance of Muchongoyo, the dance itself must work to personify the sound and really make it come as a whole together for the audience to feel that powerful involvement. ( Asante, KW. 2000 Pg 65) The costumes also play a part in the making of such a strong dance. They are neo- traditional and try to imitate as closely to their forefathers costume choices as they can. The men have short skirts with shorts and wear ostrich feathers in their hair. Caribbean and African dance clearly have strong roots and a shared cultural history. The powerful music styles make them stand out from other traditional styles in the world and they share the same instrument, the percussion. The main thing that keeps them so traditional and exciting to watch is that even as time moves forward and they develop the styles always stick to their traditional roots which you can follow all the back to their African descent. Making them very entertaining and educational almost to watch. Bibliography: Carty, H. (1988.) Folk dances of Jamaica: An Insight, United Kingdom: Distributed in the U.S.A. by Princeton Book Co. Gbolonyo , K., Music and Dance. Adams Habobo. Available at: . Jopling, C. Sieber, R., 1971. Art and Aesthetics in Primitive Societies: A Critical Anthology, United States: New York : Dutton, c1971. Welsh Asante, M. (2000.) Zimbabwe Dance 1st ed., Trenton: Africa World Press, Inc. Welsh-Asante, K. (2004.) African Dance (World of Dance), United States: Chelsea House Publications. Citations (Carty, 1988 Pg 20-21) (Carty, 1988 Pg 21) (Carty, 1988 Pg 22) (Carty, 1988 Pg 32 (Gbolongo, K. 2012) (Asante, KW. 2000 Pg 68) (Welsh, K. 2004 ph 109) (Sieber. 1986 pg 234) (Asante, KW. 2000 Pg 65)
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